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Ways to Give
Thank you for your desire to support Franklin Christian Academy!


Your tax deductible gift contributes to FCA's mission to provide challenging academics, life-giving community, and transforming discipleship for students in 5th-12th grades. Whether you decide to support FCA by making an annual gift, a special one-time gift, or a planned gift, any financial involvement shows a powerful commitment to the mission and values of this school, and makes a difference in many young lives.


FCA strives to increase private support from individuals like you so we can maintain the quality of our programs while still keeping tuition costs affordable for students. By giving to FCA, you share in the success and accomplishments of our school and of each child we educate and care for.


FCA gratefully accepts gifts made by corporations and foundations. We also recognize gifts-in-kind and corporate matching gifts. 


Annual Fund

The price of tuition does not fully fund the cost of educating a student at FCA. Our Annual Fund is 18% of our total budget, and goes toward expenses to fully fund the educational experience. In the 2024-2025 school year, our annual fund will go toward supporting Need-Based Financial Aid, Performing Arts, Weight Room Construction and Water Bottle Filling Stations. Click here to learn more about our Annual Fund!  Click here to learn more about our Annual Fund!

Need-Based Financial Aid

As a school, we believe that no one should be denied a Biblically based education simply because they cannot afford it - just as Jesus calls us to care for the widow and the orphan we believe He’s also calling us to help those less-resourced economically. One way we’re able to do this in a way that blesses others is to provide a vehicle to apply for aid for a Christian education. One in every four students at FCA is receiving some form of tuition assistance and we believe it’s a hallmark of our school to participate in ensuring everyone who wants to can receive a Biblically based education. Our goal for the 2024-2025 school year is $700,000.


Performing Arts

FCA students have many opportunities to hone their performing arts skills & passions. As a small school, the level of excellence and opportunity we are able to provide students is remarkable for a school our size. Our theatre program has risen to a position of notoriety in the local arts community and we perform two full-scale High School theatrical productions a year and a full-scale Middle School Musical in late spring. For many years we’ve borrowed, rented, made, or bartered for the equipment and production expenses necessary to have truly excellent programs. Now, we believe it’s time for a financial investment that allows us to upgrade our Performing Arts department and be well-resourced for all those wanting to pursue the arts at FCA. 

Weight Room Construction

Athletics at Franklin Christian Academy strive to reflect the mission of the school through high-level performance and competition; while also being a great avenue to help student-athletes develop strengths and characteristics that will prepare them for the challenges that life brings. A well-equipped weight room promotes physical fitness, which is essential for the overall well-being and academic performance of our student-athletes. It provides a safe and structured environment for students to engage in physical activity, learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and build self-discipline. We believe this new facility will enhance our school's athletic programs, offering student-athletes the resources they need to train effectively and compete at higher levels. 


Thank you for partnering with us as we remain committed to recognizing legacy, disciplining toward transformation, and continuing to cast vision for the future.

*Franklin Christian Academy is a 501(c)(3) organization and contributions to the school are tax deductible upon compliance with the Internal Revenue Code*

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